Welcome to the American Association of Public Health Dentistry!

AAPHD accepts the challenge to improve total health for all citizens through the development and support of effective programs of oral health promotion and disease prevention. Join us in this effort - Click here to become a Member!

Join us in Orlando, FL for the 2025 NOHC from April 7-9, 2025, with weekend workshops April 5-6, 2025

Registration is Open! Early Bird Rates available through January 31

Registration & More NOHC 2025 Information can be found here

Conference Location:

All meetings and events for NOHC 2025 will be held at the Double Tree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando. 

About NOHC:
The National Oral Health Conference (NOHC) is "the premier meeting" for those interested in continuing education and networking opportunities within the discipline of Dental Public Health. This will be the 24th joint meeting of the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) and the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD).
This conference is designed for dentists, dental hygienists, health researchers, dental/health educators, legislators, public health officials, Medicaid/CHIP dental program staff or consultants, state/territorial dental directors, county/city/local dental directors, community health center personnel, students, school-based and school-linked health center personnel, federally-employed dental personnel, as well as, dental manufacturers/distributors and dental insurance companies – in short, anyone interested in engaging in collaboration to improve the oral health of the public.

The AAPHD Community mourns the passing of Dr. R. Gary Rozier

Dr. R. Gary Rozier, D.D.S., M.P.H. served as National President of the American Association of Dental Public Health (AAPHD). 

He was known as a cutting-edge researcher, consultant, and educator during his 44-year career in dental public health. His contributions to the scientific literature total more than 170 peer-reviewed publications plus many more editorials, monographs, book chapters, and a book. During the time as an educator, he mentored hundreds of students and is known for holding students to the highest scientific standards. Dr. Rozier received his B.S. degree from Wake Forest University and his D.D.S. and M.P.H. degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). He retired from full-time teaching in 2014.

Working with the Rozier Family, the AAPHD has established the Dr. R. Gary Rozier Memorial Fund for Dental Public Health.

If you wish to honor his memory and create a lasting impact through scholarship funding, please visit the AAPHD Foundation page.

At this time, when efforts to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion are being targeted, cut, and misrepresented, AAPHD reaffirms that these principles are essential to our mission, policies, and practices. We remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for our members and the general public. We see and value the critically important work that AAPHD members do in their daily lives to promote oral health equity, improve diversity and inclusion in professional spaces, and pursue justice in the social factors that influence oral health. AAPHD will continue its work to collaborate across the councils, committees, board, and AAPHD membership to continue the organization’s commitment to countering all forms of oppression in pursuit of optimal and equitable oral health. 

AAPHD has been, and will continue to be, committed to the following core values:

AAPHD values the diversity of life experiences, perspectives, and worldviews.
AAPHD will be an agent for change as part of the Dental Public Health community.
AAPHD is open to receiving feedback if its actions are not in alignment with the value of promoting dignity and respect for others.
AAPHD welcomes dialogue and critical conversations.
AAPHD values the humanity of others and pledges to stand with fellow associations when the value of others is not fostered.
AAPHD is committed to regular audits of policies and practices to ensure they align with our values of equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice.

David Peña Jr to lead The American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) and The AAPHD Foundation

David Peña, Jr is an experienced national association leader with a diverse professional background including previously serving as executive director of the Hispanic Dental Association, Director of Advocacy for the American Heart Association, Partner/CEO of a Medical Transportation start-up, and an executive for several national associations focused on business, finance, accounting and journalism.

Read the full press release here


Positions Available

For available positions, click here